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OA 학술지
  • 홈
  • OA학술지
  • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering  
  • 발행기관 : 한국정보과학회
  • 주제분야 : 컴퓨터학
  • 언어 : 영어

Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, JCSE, aims to foster communication between academia and industry within the rapidly evolving field of computing science and engineering and intends to promote problem-oriented research that fuses academic and industrial expertise. In addition, JCSE focuses to be an authoritative international forum for delivering both theoretical and innovative applied researches in the field. JCSE publishes original research contributions, surveys, and experimental studies with scientific advances. The scope of JCSE covers all topics related to computing science and engineering, with a special emphasis on the following areas: embedded computing, ubiquitous computing, convergence computing, green computing, smart and intelligent computing, and human computing.
icon  학술논문 (6)
AUTHOR: Li Jun, Dang Jianwu, Bu Feng, Wang Jiansheng | DOI: 10.5626/JCSE.2014.8.1.1 | PUBLISH: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 1, p1~10, 30 March 2014
AUTHOR: Yang Zhiyong, Li Chunlin, Liu Yanpei, Liu Yunchang, Xu Lijun | DOI: 10.5626/JCSE.2014.8.1.17 | PUBLISH: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 1, p17~24, 30 March 2014
AUTHOR: Wu Lan, Ding Yiqiang, Zhang Wei | DOI: 10.5626/JCSE.2014.8.1.25 | PUBLISH: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 1, p25~33, 30 March 2014
AUTHOR: Zhang Wei, Ding Yiqiang | DOI: 10.5626/JCSE.2014.8.1.34 | PUBLISH: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 1, p34~42, 30 March 2014
AUTHOR: Senobary Saeed, Naghibzadeh Mahmoud | DOI: 10.5626/JCSE.2014.8.1.43 | PUBLISH: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 1, p43~56, 30 March 2014
AUTHOR: Raza Arif, Capretz Luiz Fernando | DOI: 10.5626/JCSE.2014.8.1.57 | PUBLISH: Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 1, p57~63, 30 March 2014